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Anthony Robbins

Awaken the Giant Within

Awaken the Giant Within


ISBN: 9781471167515

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Regular price Rs.960.00
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Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins is a self-help juggernaut, originally published in 1991. It's a guide aimed at helping you take control of your mental, emotional, physical, and financial well-being. Here's a breakdown of the book's core ideas:

Central Theme:

  • Empowerment: Robbins argues that most people are capable of achieving far more than they believe. The book focuses on helping you unlock your potential and live a truly fulfilling life.

Key Concepts:

  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP): Robbins incorporates NLP techniques to help you understand how your thoughts, language, and emotions influence your behavior. By changing these patterns, you can change your results.
  • Six Human Needs: The book proposes that we all have six core emotional needs that drive our behavior. Understanding these needs can help you make better choices and achieve greater fulfillment.
  • State Management: Robbins emphasizes the importance of managing your emotional state. The book provides techniques to control your emotions and achieve peak states for optimal performance.
  • Goal Setting and Strategies: Awaken the Giant Within outlines powerful strategies for setting clear goals and taking massive action to achieve them.

Why You Should Read Awaken the Giant Within:

  • Actionable Strategies: The book provides practical tools and techniques that you can implement immediately to start improving your life.
  • Focus on Personal Growth: It challenges you to overcome limiting beliefs and self-imposed obstacles to reach your full potential.
  • Broadly Applicable: The principles and techniques can be applied to various aspects of your life, from career and finances to relationships and personal fulfillment.
  • Motivational and Uplifting: Robbins' energetic and enthusiastic writing style can inspire you to take action and create positive change.

Keep in Mind:

  • Critical Reception: Awaken the Giant Within has received mixed reviews. While some praise its actionable advice, others find Robbins' methods overly simplistic or even manipulative.
  • Focus on Individual Responsibility: The book places a strong emphasis on individual responsibility for achieving success, which might not acknowledge broader social or systemic factors that can influence outcomes.

If you're looking for a motivational self-help book packed with practical strategies for personal growth, Awaken the Giant Within could be a valuable resource. However, it's wise to approach it with a critical eye and consider your own preferences for self-improvement guidance.

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