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Robin Sharma

The Wealth Money Can't Buy

The Wealth Money Can't Buy


ISBN: 9788119792788

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The Vivekananda Way by A.R.K. Sarma is a self-help book that draws inspiration from the life and teachings of Swami Vivekananda, a revered Hindu monk and philosopher. Here's a breakdown of the book and why you might find it interesting:

Central Idea:

  • The book focuses on the concept of cultivating specific attitudes to achieve success and personal transformation.
  • Sarma argues that by adopting a set of key personality traits modeled after Swami Vivekananda, anyone can become an "icon" in their chosen field.

Key Points:

  • Seven Pairs of Attitudes: The book revolves around seven pairs of contrasting attitudes, such as vision vs. seeing the big picture, or practicality vs. idealism. Sarma explains how developing a balance within these pairs can lead to a well-rounded personality.
  • Vivekananda's Teachings: The book draws heavily on the teachings of Swami Vivekananda, integrating his philosophy with practical guidance for self-improvement.
  • Life Examples: Sarma uses over 108 real-life stories and anecdotes to illustrate the impact of these contrasting attitudes on people's lives.

Reasons to Read The Vivekananda Way:

  • Self-Improvement Framework: If you're looking for a structured approach to self-improvement, this book provides a framework based on Swami Vivekananda's teachings.
  • Balance and Moderation: The book emphasizes achieving a balance between seemingly opposing qualities to create a more effective personality.
  • Learn from Swami Vivekananda: Even if you're not familiar with Swami Vivekananda, the book offers an accessible introduction to his philosophy and its practical applications.
  • Motivational Stories: The real-life stories can serve as motivation and inspiration as you embark on your own journey of self-improvement.
  • Broad Appeal: Whether you're aiming for professional success, personal growth, or a more fulfilling life, the book's message on cultivating positive attitudes can be widely applicable.
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