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Victor Daniels
Kooch N. Daniels
Pieter Weltevrede (Illustrator)

Awakening the Chakras

Awakening the Chakras


ISBN: 9781620555873

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Regular price Rs.960.00
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Awakening the Chakras: The Seven Energy Centers in Your Daily Life by Victor Daniels, Kooch N. Daniels, and Pieter Weltevredeis a guide to understanding the chakra system, a concept in Hinduism and Tantric traditions. The book explores the seven chakras, which are believed to be energy centers in the body that influence our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Here's a breakdown of the book's key points:

  • Understanding Chakras: The book provides a comprehensive explanation of each chakra, its location, associated elements, and its influence on various aspects of your life.
  • Practical Tools: It offers practical tools and techniques to work with your chakras, including meditations, mantras, affirmations, and yoga postures.
  • Balance and Healing: The book guides you on how to balance and heal your chakras, promoting a sense of overall well-being.

Why You Should Read Awakening the Chakras:

  • Beginner-Friendly: If you're new to the concept of chakras, this book provides a clear and concise introduction.
  • Holistic Approach: It offers a holistic approach to wellness, addressing the connection between mind, body, and spirit.
  • Actionable Guidance: The book goes beyond theory and provides practical exercises to help you integrate chakra work into your daily life.
  • Enhanced Self-Awareness: By understanding your chakras, you might gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your energetic state.

Keep in Mind:

  • Scientific Evidence: The concept of chakras is not backed by scientific evidence. It's based on traditional beliefs and energetic practices.
  • Individual Results: The effectiveness of chakra work can vary depending on your individual beliefs and practices.

Overall, Awakening the Chakras can be a valuable resource for those interested in exploring the chakra system and its potential benefits for mind-body wellness. If you're curious about alternative healing practices and Eastern philosophies, this book might be a good starting point for your exploration.

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