The Hating Game by Sally Thorne, published in 2016, is a contemporary romance novel that follows the story of Lucy Hutton and Joshua Templeman, coworkers who share an intense mutual dislike. As they compete for a promotion, their office rivalry takes an unexpected turn, leading to a complicated and passionate relationship.
Why Read This Book
- Features a fun and engaging enemies-to-lovers romance.
- Provides witty and humorous dialogue and interactions.
- Explores themes of love, rivalry, and personal growth.
- Known for its entertaining and well-developed characters.
- Ideal for readers who enjoy contemporary romance with a touch of humor.
About the Author
Sally Thorne is an Australian author known for her contemporary romance novels. Her debut novel, The Hating Game, received widespread acclaim and was adapted into a film. Thorne's writing is celebrated for its humor, wit, and engaging storytelling.
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